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Our Features

What makes us different from every other reward token?

Original Idea 

This is the first reward token EVER to reward with Cummie's. We will have others copy us not us copy them.

Awesome Strong Community

PreCum's community is welcoming and kind and developers and mods will always be happy to help you and answer any questions. We will have community games and competitions after launch such as meme contest, shilling contest and art contests just for a start...

Smart Budgeting

3% of every by and sell will go to our marketing wallet. This wallet will be used to buy influencers, reddit posts, PooCoin adverts and much more meaning we keep staying known and see new members comin through daily.

Investment Opportunity

Instead of looking at a chart all day and stressing about the price sit back and relax and check every few days on how many Cummies you have received. Price change doesn't matter for PreCum as long as there is buys and sells you will be receiving Cummies. 

Save time

Many rewards tokens require extremely difficult process to collect your rewards and can get you frustrated. Our contract makes your rewards automatically go to you wallet so you wont have any hassle. 

Long Term

Lots of new BSC tokens seem to pump and dump on day of launch and get abandoned. We are here to stay and with a mixture of strong community, marketing and original idea we can easily achieve anything. 

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